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Special Education Classroom

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High Quality Resources for Special Educational Needs (PMLD, SLD, MLD)




High Quality Resources for Special Educational Needs (PMLD, SLD, MLD)
FREE Feellings Traffic Light Emotional Regulation Autism Inside Out Characters

FREE Feellings Traffic Light Emotional Regulation Autism Inside Out Characters

Hello Educators, Behaviour management today! I love the emotional traffic lights! I may have not used the for years because of the nature of my current classes, but back in the days was a must! In 2016 my students were obsessed with Inside out, so when I had to taught them about emotions, I used the characters from the movie to do so. I do not have the same Template anymore in a digital form (I left it in my previous workplace) but I have put a picture of it to give you an idea how I used to use it! I know….it is too old (can you spot the yellow background on the symbols…. oh dear….). Anyway, my point is that I had anger, sadness, and joy as angry, worried and calm. I was moving the pictures of my students (or they were moving them themselves) on the relevant colour of the traffic light depending on how they were feeling/behaving at that time. Three years ago, I have created another template (This I have it in a digital form!) and I have changed the sadness with fear to represent worried. I took that decision because I have noticed that a lot of my students started to built up their emotions when they were worried about changes, new people etc. so I though that fear was a better representation since they were not necessarily sad. Once again, I was using the same system: moving their photos on the traffic lights (see my picture example). I would recommend printing it in A3, so it will fit your students photos. Do not forget to follow me here, on Facebook and on Instagram for more ideas and ispiration as well as for exclusive FREEBIES! https://linktr.ee/special_education_classroom Naya
Back to school social story FREE in Widgit Editable Special Education Autism

Back to school social story FREE in Widgit Editable Special Education Autism

Hello Educators, This is a social story (editable) about going back to school! I have created for my own class, but you can adjust it to yours! We all know how difficult this period was for our children and they do need a social story to help them go back to the routines, understand what things will be different and what has remained the same. It is something small that we can do for them considering the amount of the anxiety they had and they will continue to have until our lives go back to normal. Thank yo so much! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page and in here for more FREEBIES and ideas ! Naya
Morning Routine in Widgit (Months Days Weather Year )Special Education Autism

Morning Routine in Widgit (Months Days Weather Year )Special Education Autism

Hello Educators, Morning Routine Symbols I have a lot of visuals for routines but this one has to be my favourite! I have created it 2 years ago because the class I had back then was obsessed with the months of the year and in order to teach them a sense of time we linked each month with a particular celebration e.g. December is Christmas, April is Easter, October is Halloween. We also made a massive display in class where we split it in 12 months and 4 seasons and we were building each month with activities that we have been working at the time e.g. we put up our Halloween costumes photos on October’s column and the crafts of fireworks we made on November etc. All the children that year had an idea about what to expect each month and with what celebration to link it! This particular table was laminated and each of my student had one. They had to find the right pictures every morning and attach them with Velcro on the template! I used posted notes for the date part where they could write the number with a pencil each day! It was hard to create it and harder to laminate all of these symbols x 10, so each of them to have their own…but at the end it was totally worth it! Instructions: Print all three pages Laminate them Velcro the symbols on the template You can organise it in small plastic pouches and give each child one pounch to find the symbols from it. Use it as a morning circle routine or just to teach time/months/days etc. as a separetly lesson Do not forget to follow! https://linktr.ee/special_education_classroom Thank you Naya
Cooking Lesson Special Education Autism Widgit Visuals

Cooking Lesson Special Education Autism Widgit Visuals

Hello Educators, This bundle includes 4 PPP cooking lessons! •Afternoon Tea •Learning about breakfast •Honey joys •Colourful Cookies It also includes visuals for vanilla cupcakes, in widget. Finally, I have added a collection of easy recipes I had collected all over the years to inspire your cooking lessons. Please watch video for more details! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Teddy and the Star made up sensory story with widgit symbols

Teddy and the Star made up sensory story with widgit symbols

Hello Educators! This is a made up story which is called “The Teddy and the star” Text is symbolized with Widgit Symbols. As props, I suggest using: teddy, toy star, a moon on a carton paper with glitter on top, sunglasses, shells, wellies, leaves, something fury for the fox and a baby in a cod for the last slide (sleep). Visual boards for the story are included in Widgit in order for the children to use them during the lesson. Includes songs and separate pictures with images for the lower lever. Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways! Naya x
Colourful (Colorful) Semantics SpongeBob Squarepants (Subject, Verbs, Objects)

Colourful (Colorful) Semantics SpongeBob Squarepants (Subject, Verbs, Objects)

Hello Educators! This is a Colourful Semantics activity SpongeBob Squarepants themed! Learn to buid sentences with SpongeBob and have lots of fun! This activity includes: 5 photos of Level 2 Colourful Semantics (Subject+Verb) 5 photos of Level 3 Colourful Semantics (Subject+Verb + Object) Colourful Semantics Strips Visuals in Widgit Just print, laminate and velcro the visuals onto the Colourful Semantics Boards with the relevant photo and you are ready to go! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Should I share my ice cream, PMLD/SLD story, friendship, emotions

Should I share my ice cream, PMLD/SLD story, friendship, emotions

Hello Educators! • •This is a story about sharing, friendship and emotions. •I have added Widgit symbols to make it more simple. •I have also created basic sentences with Colourful Semantics in order to practice sentence structure. •Visuals in a Board format as well as single photos and symbols are included, so the children can comment during the session. •I have included some ice cream templates for you in order to create extension activities and link them to maths (numbers) (x 2 extension activities). • •Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways! • Naya x
2 Weeks Activities  (Vol.3) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

2 Weeks Activities (Vol.3) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

Hello Educators, Vol. 3 is ready! This is the third (Vol. 3) two-week activity pack, ready for you to send home to parents! It includes a suggested visual timetable and activities to go with it! Maths counting activity is included as well! It also has 2 new sensory stories! a) “Dear Zoo” in Widgit symbols and Colourful Semantics style b) “Bear Hunt” with sensory props and widgit symbols. It is appropriate for children with complex needs as well as SLT and children with Autism. It is very clear and easy to use for parents and they can do all the activities with things they have at home! If you like it follow me here and be ready for Vol.4 which will cover another 2 weeks with new activities! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
2 Weeks Activities  (Vol.1) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

2 Weeks Activities (Vol.1) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

Hello Educators, I have created this two week activity pack, ready for you to send home to parents! It is appropriate for children with complex needs as well as SLT and children with Autism. It is very clear and easy to use for parents and they can do all the activities with things they have at home! It includes a suggested visual timetable and activities to go with it! If you like it follow me here and be ready for Vol.2 which will cover another 2 weeks with new activities! You can have a look at the bundle where I include the PPP of the story that it is in this pack in case you want to use it from a zoom session! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
2 Weeks Activities (Vol.2) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

2 Weeks Activities (Vol.2) Distance Learning Special Education Autism

Hello Educators, Vol. 2 is finally ready! This is the second (Vol. 2) two-week activity pack, ready for you to send home to parents! It includes a suggested visual timetable and activities to go with it! It also has a new story; “Peace at Last” in Widgit black and white symbols. It is appropriate for children with complex needs as well as SLT and children with Autism. It is very clear and easy to use for parents and they can do all the activities with things they have at home! If you like it follow me here and be ready for Vol.3 which will cover another 2 weeks with new activities! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Rainbow Fish with widgit symbols and 4 activities Special Education ASD

Rainbow Fish with widgit symbols and 4 activities Special Education ASD

Hello Educators! •This is a PPP of the story The Rainbow Fish (with a few changes) •Curriculum Links: Literacy, PSHE (friendship, sharing, emotions) •Topic Links: Sea Animals, Under the Sea, Rainbow, Colours, Friendship etc. •Props you need: Fish, starfish, Octopus, Glitter for the scales, torch for the cave, emotion cards for the emotions. • Visual board with Widgit symbols is included. • Word mat file is included. •Number Visual for the PPP activity (1-12). •4 extension activities are included in this pack! -Activity 1: Counting Rainbowfish -Activity 2: Bingo mats (Vocabulary) -Activity 3: PPP counting fish (1-5) PMLD and SLD Level -Activity 4: Connect picture to visual SLD Level Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Sensory Story Teddy goes to London Autism Visuals Weather/ My city /Geography

Sensory Story Teddy goes to London Autism Visuals Weather/ My city /Geography

Hello Educators! •This is a PPP on the story Teddy goes to London (made up story). Includes also a visual board made with widgit. •Curriculum Links: Literacy, Maths (shapes, time), Science (weather e.g. rain and fog), Geography (My city, places ). •Topic Links: Weather, Shapes, Geography, My city, Fantasy. •Props you need: water spray for the rain and an umbrella, teddy bear, shapes like a circle to match on London Eye, building blocks to built a bridge, red bus, train, boats or paper boats and a tray with water for the canal, bubbles for the aquarium. •Use visuals (ALS Board or use them as single PECS) that are included (pdf). •All songs and sound effects are included into the PPP! ENJOY!!! Thank you so much! Enjoy and do not forget to follow me: Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Whatever Next sensosy story Widgit Symbolised with matching activities & visuals

Whatever Next sensosy story Widgit Symbolised with matching activities & visuals

Hello Educators! This is a simplified version of the story “Whatever Next” Text is symbolized with Widgit Symbols. Includes two matching activities in 2 different levels. As props, I suggest using: teddy, sieve or colander, carton box, wellies, cut out shape 9circle and square), toy owl, toy airplane, picnic kit, water spray for the rain, food (whatever you like or biscuits and juice for the picnic), toy bathtub and soap for the bath. Visual boards for the story are included in Colourful Semantic form in order for the children to use them during the lesson. Single visuals for differentiation are included as well. Aa in Widgit. Includes songs and sound effects. Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways! Naya x